I was reminded this past weekend of the tenuous hold we have on Life.
I was also reminded how important every minute is with the people that matter to us.
As I write this today, I am grateful that my son is alive – 48 hours ago, this mightn’t have been the case.
And as I sit here and wait for healthcare professionals to plan through next steps, I am grateful that his long term prognosis appears to be good.
48 hours ago, I wasn’t filled with gratitude.
I was filled with fear.
I was filled with grief.
I was filled with anxiety.
I was filled with anger.
My head was exploding with emotion.
But that wasn’t helping anyone, in particular my son.
It wasn’t helping me either.
In fact, it wasn’t doing anything positive for anyone.
In our personal and professional lives, we often find ourselves overwhelmed as we face decisions that impact ourselves and others or the need to understand “why” when we feel we are being crushed by the events around us.
And during those moments, we may find ourselves overwhelmed with many emotions, some that help us to survive and some that drag us down like a millstone around our neck.
Even during those moments, it is important to realize one thing.
As long as you are breathing, there is opportunity for hope.
There is opportunity for solutions.
There is opportunity for miracles.
And when you come to this realization as I did, you realize, as strange as it sounds, that you have something to be grateful for even as your world seems to be closing in around you.
Gratitude … an often overused word and yet a feeling that can provide the firm footing you need while you quiet the noise around you, giving you time to regroup.
Sometimes it is hard to find the things to be grateful for, especially in times of loss or pain.
But sometimes as the tempests blow around you, being grateful for the smallest thing can give you the glimmer of hope, the tiny seed of strength you need as you wait for the cavalry to arrive, bringing love, support and hope.
After all, if we don’t have hope that things can get better when they appear to be at their worst, what do we have at all?
If you feel pressured by the events of your Life, hold on – help is on the way.
And if you’re the cavalry, it’s time to mount up. Someone needs your help today.
In service and servanthood,
For my Musings-in-a-Minute version of “Hold On – Help is on the Way”, please click here.